Our payments calculator can calculate your periodic payment, creates the amortization schedules and takes into account recurring payments and one-time lump sum extra payments as well.


Loan amount, interest rate, loan length and loan start date are required fields. You will recognize these fields as they are highlighted in red while they are active .


Do not use currency and digit grouping symbols. The decimal symbol should be a dot. Enter dates as 08/26/2010 for non-recurring and 08/26 for recurring payments.

Payment Calculator

Our payments calculator website offers various calculators for different loan types. You can choose from a mortgage payments calculator, loan payments calculator or even a car payment calculator.

Whether it is a recurring payment, a one-time lump sum payment or an extra contribution to every single payment, you can add these extra payments to your calculation.

Our calculators give you a very good estimated payment amount, but remember that real life loans can be slightly different. The best way to find a suitable loan is to run multiple scenarios with our payment calculators.